Well I have been a little slow in my blog update! We had 6 babies born recently. on 2/27 Dottie had two beautiful black babies. One boy, Cole and one girl, Jetta. Stella also had babies on the 27th. She had one boy Caleb and one girl, Cali. Cali and Caleb are both light carmel/grey in color.
Here is baby Cole and Jetta just after being born. Jetta is the one on the left with the white spot on her head.

Here is baby Caleb at 2 weeks of age.
Here is baby Cali at 2 weeks of age.
Then on 2/28 Ava decided that she ready to have her babies. Ava, choose a very rainy night to give birth. She had two baby girls, Lacey and Lanie. Lacey gets her name from being white and dainty. She has been the quietest baby we have ever had.
Lanie is on the left, she is an Ava mini me! Lacey is on the right.
All babies and moms are doing great. All babies have already been listed for sale. We are expecting two more mothers in the next few weeks. Daisy and Sadie are due anywhere from March 19-March 29. They were accidently bred to Bronx while we were on vacation in October. After that we have a few more does to kid.
Check back soon for updates on baby goats and baby chicks! The incubator is up and running!