We have been very busy here delivery all kinds of babies!
On April 28 Lilly gave birth to triplets. 2 girls and 1 boy! All babies and moms are doing great!

All earlier babies have gone on to their new homes. All are doing well. Have received pictures of Caleb and Cole climbing all over their new owners deck furniture. The boys looked very happy and their new owners just love them!
Have been hatching chicks out like crazy. Have been doing much better this year with non-shipped eggs. Certainly the way to go! We have hatched Cochins, Buff and Lavender Orphingtons, Amerucanas, Copper Marans and have a few guinea eggs hatching soon.
Not only do we have goat babies and chicks running around we also have baby pigs running around! I got two pot bellied piglets in early may. Max and Daisy May were born on May 1 and we got them when they were 7 days old to raise. The mamma pig crushed everyone in the litter and the owner was afraid they would get crushed too. They are doing great and are a lot of fun! (and sooooo cute!)
As you can see max is clearly the runt!