We had a wonderful weekend with friends and family in CT/NY. The trip was way to short, but very worth it. While we were gone Miss Hatti and her grandkids watched over everything for us. From what I hear they had a wonderful time and are considering purchasing some animals in the future.
We are ready for Santa here, our stocking are hung by the chimney, the tree is up and decorated as well as can be, and the presents are wrapped and tucked away in a clever hiding space. Now all that is missing is the snow (which is not going to happen since we are supposed to have a 50deg Christmas).
Oh, I was cleaning this weekend and stumbled across something Chris wrote for me one morning, wanted to share his cleverness and cuteness with all of you:
After the dogs were out
they ran back to be fed
finishing that, they sneaked back to bed.
The girls were crying
as I was trying to
convert ounces to cups in my head.
The girls got the milk they needed
were filled with water and grain
while they bleated .
A quick prayer was said
to the empty cage that
was set up for the birth of food.
The eggs were rolled
as a story was told.
Tucking them back into bed.
It was a very clever note that was created to let me know that all the morning chores in the house has been done. We had baby goats to bottle feed, a cricket cage that needed to be cleaned, dogs to feed and walk and our first set of eggs in the bator that needed to be turned by hand.
Hope you enjoyed his little poem! Well time for work, have a Merry Christmas!