Well we adopted a new chicken this past week and have appropriately named him Shadow. Not only is he black but he is willing to follow you around the basement and outside since we keep the other roosters away from him. He is much smaller than our other roosters so we don't really see him much. He was perching on the satellite arm, but the past two nights he has been sleeping in the woods somewhere. He comes to the back door when he is hungry and the parents that we are open the basement door for him to come running in and to get a good meal. ::shakes head:: never thought i would say that about a chicken! We decided today to put him in the buck pasture since the other chickens stay away from there, and in hopes that the higher fence would deter him from flying over. It will give him a safe place to sleep and a warmer place (since he is not a fan of sleeping with the other chickens). Here is a picture of Shadow from todays basement lunch.

He is a very handsome man, hopefully he will warm up to little bit and we can have some nice cochin hatching eggs!
We have been talking about the up and coming goat barn, and what it needs to have and should have and all the details so we can start debating and then get to leveling and building. I am excited about this! So far we have a 20x30 structure and an existing small structure that has to be moved.
Here are some Christmas fun pictures of the goats! Enjoy!
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