Sunday, October 25, 2009

And more babies

Gosh, you would think it was spring around here! We have concluded the chicken hatch with 10 chicks! 5 for each mommy. They are all very cute, they were a mixture of eggs so i am not 100% sure yet what breeds we have. But they are possibly, frizzle cochins, silkies or bantam cochins. We have two naked neck silkies for sure (hard to miss them!)

we were also blessed with our Deva having babies! There were not due until next friday, but they arrived Sat morning. She blessed us with a beautiful solid black doeling, we have named Lela, which means Black Beauty. Deva also had a little boy, but sadly he did not make it.

Deva is working on adjust to mother life, she has not quite embraced it 100% so we are doing what we can to help her. She has stopped head butting the baby and is getting more and more comfortable with letting her nurse. We are keeping our fingers crossed that in the next few days she will take over the responsibilities completely.

As soon as I can i will get pictures of all the new babies!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Been a busy week for little ones! We have had a total of 9 eggs hatch, 1 pip and 3 more to go! They are all doing great cant wait for them to run around outside!

We also had a set of twins a week early! Sadie decided enough was enough and blessed up with a little boy and a little girl. Both are black with white markings. Still working on names for them, as well as names for our new girls!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Starting Fresh!

Okay, lots of new things going on around the farm, all very exciting!
First, I would like to say goodbye to Florence and wish her all of the best with her new family!

I would like to welcome two new girls to our farm! Still working on the names, but they are very sweet and VERY shy! Here the two little ones are!

We are expecting chicks to hatch on Wednesday, we have Henny Penny and Itty Bitty sitting on a clutch of eggs each, hopefully we will have a great hatch!

We are also expecting Deva to kid on Oct 31 and Sadie to kid on Oct 30! Busy with babies around here! These kids will all be ready in time for Christmas. Our next babies will be bred for delivery in the Spring, we will be breeding all of our females that are of age, so we will have TONS of little ones running around (hopefully the new barn will be ready by then!)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Early Start!

Well it has been an exciting morning! All started with a wake up call from the barn, not for babies, but for breeding! We have sold Florence to a wonderful family, and they requested that she be bred, so we are working on getting her and the boys to play nice, not going to well! Boys will be boys!

We have almost finished the fire pit, the only things left to do are fill the hole around it and get tread stones for the top. I looks great, i cant wait to use it!

We also have two hens in the basement sitting on 17 eggs (good thing they are mostly small ones) We started with 25, but cracked 3 and 5 never developed. They are a good mix of bantam chickens, it will be exciting to meet them all when they hatch!

The count down is on for Deva and Sadie, yeah babies! We have Deva due Oct 30 and Sadie Oct 31. We will be busy in a few weeks with little ones! I love goatie babies so much!

Well i guess that is all to say for now before going to work!