Sunday, October 25, 2009

And more babies

Gosh, you would think it was spring around here! We have concluded the chicken hatch with 10 chicks! 5 for each mommy. They are all very cute, they were a mixture of eggs so i am not 100% sure yet what breeds we have. But they are possibly, frizzle cochins, silkies or bantam cochins. We have two naked neck silkies for sure (hard to miss them!)

we were also blessed with our Deva having babies! There were not due until next friday, but they arrived Sat morning. She blessed us with a beautiful solid black doeling, we have named Lela, which means Black Beauty. Deva also had a little boy, but sadly he did not make it.

Deva is working on adjust to mother life, she has not quite embraced it 100% so we are doing what we can to help her. She has stopped head butting the baby and is getting more and more comfortable with letting her nurse. We are keeping our fingers crossed that in the next few days she will take over the responsibilities completely.

As soon as I can i will get pictures of all the new babies!

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