Monday, August 2, 2010

Everyone loves baby chicks!

And its a good thing too because beginning this week thru August the farm is going to be full of them! First hatch we have 4 silkie eggs, they belong to the Grigg's family. A tragedy struck their chicken house and they were able to save these four eggs. We were able to help them out by incubating them. The moved into the hatcher this morning and should begin hatching in about 3 days.

Next to hatch is some Bantam frizzle cochin eggs. Have 4 of them. Then 15 Standard Naked Necks and 2 of our Millie eggs. Getting ready to be delivered to the house and then set is 12 Standard Cochins and then 12 Standard Cochins/Frizzle Cochin eggs. So Every week in August we will be moving eggs into the hatcher and hatching! I am very eggcited! This is really the first time this year we are getting to hatch.

We also have plans to build a new cabinet incubator. We found an old mini fridge to convert. That will be an excited project as well!

No progress was made on the barn this weekend. It has rained and rained. Hopefully next weekend we can get moving again! I was able to install 2 new windows in Big Red's coop. It will help with the temperature and smell inside the coop. Being our first chicken coop it is lacking in some areas. Our second coop is much better and we are able to take our ideas from the second and modify the first in some ways!

Fingers crossed for happy hatching! Thanks again for checking in!


Jennifer X said...

Are you ever going to have any videos of a hatch?

Dragonfly Farms said...

hatching is not a fast process . . . it can take a whole day sometimes. Its very tiring ya know!