Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pumpkin has Triplets!

On May 31 Pumpkin had three beautiful babies! She did a great job delivering the babies and has been nothing but an amazing mom. She has 2 girls and 1 boy . . . they all need names at this point.

Coco is due to have kids any day now!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Babies, Babies and more Babies!

We have been very busy here delivery all kinds of babies!
On April 20 Misty gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and handsome baby boy.

On April 28 Lilly gave birth to triplets. 2 girls and 1 boy! All babies and moms are doing great!

All earlier babies have gone on to their new homes. All are doing well. Have received pictures of Caleb and Cole climbing all over their new owners deck furniture. The boys looked very happy and their new owners just love them!

Have been hatching chicks out like crazy. Have been doing much better this year with non-shipped eggs. Certainly the way to go! We have hatched Cochins, Buff and Lavender Orphingtons, Amerucanas, Copper Marans and have a few guinea eggs hatching soon.

Not only do we have goat babies and chicks running around we also have baby pigs running around! I got two pot bellied piglets in early may. Max and Daisy May were born on May 1 and we got them when they were 7 days old to raise. The mamma pig crushed everyone in the litter and the owner was afraid they would get crushed too. They are doing great and are a lot of fun! (and sooooo cute!)
As you can see max is clearly the runt!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Falling behind!

Well I seem to not be able to keep up with things at work or things around the farm! Dottie, Ava and Stella are doing well and so are their babies. Lanie, Lacey, Cali and Jetta will be leaving the farm in the next few weeks!

In March Sadie and Daisy kidded for us! Daisy on 3/25 with 2 boys and Sadie on 3/26 with 1 boy. Moms and babies there are doing great as well!
Sadie's baby - Blake

Daisy's Baby - Black Jack

Daisy's Baby - Midnight

We have more goats expecting in April. Misty and Lilly are both first time moms that are due Easter week. My parents will be down that week and they are very excited to experience that with us.

We still have some goats available for sale, Caleb, Cole, Black Jack and Blake.

Chris and I have also been busy with planting! I supported the local 4H and purchased blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and asparagus from them. So far the blueberries are still alive and strawberries are showing signs of re-growth. Not sure yet about the asparagus and the blackberry and raspberry plants look like sticks in the ground! I have not given up on them yet.

I also planted an early crop if cabbage, brussels sprouts, romaine lettuce and tomatoes. Everything was doing great, but then the wind struck. The wind blew open my garden gate and one of my lovely goats wandered in and ate EVERYTHING! I will be on my way to the store to purchase replacements. I have since installed another latch as a backup incase wind strikes again!

The barn building is going great. We have one half of the bottom floor completed. Chris is working to get as much done on the second half as he can. My parents will help us with the barn as well and hopefully we can have the entire bottom story framed in by the time they leave.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The babies have arrived!

Well I have been a little slow in my blog update! We had 6 babies born recently. on 2/27 Dottie had two beautiful black babies. One boy, Cole and one girl, Jetta. Stella also had babies on the 27th. She had one boy Caleb and one girl, Cali. Cali and Caleb are both light carmel/grey in color.
Here is baby Cole and Jetta just after being born. Jetta is the one on the left with the white spot on her head.
Here is baby Caleb at 2 weeks of age.
Here is baby Cali at 2 weeks of age.

Then on 2/28 Ava decided that she ready to have her babies. Ava, choose a very rainy night to give birth. She had two baby girls, Lacey and Lanie. Lacey gets her name from being white and dainty. She has been the quietest baby we have ever had.
Lanie is on the left, she is an Ava mini me! Lacey is on the right.

All babies and moms are doing great. All babies have already been listed for sale. We are expecting two more mothers in the next few weeks. Daisy and Sadie are due anywhere from March 19-March 29. They were accidently bred to Bronx while we were on vacation in October. After that we have a few more does to kid.

Check back soon for updates on baby goats and baby chicks! The incubator is up and running!

Friday, January 28, 2011

End of Winter is near

Well there have been lots of things in the past few weeks that have been going on around the farm. I think it is time to take a moment and update everyone!

*We have been working on the barn every nice weekend we get. Since we are doing it the old fashioned way if Chris and I work together we are able to get 4 beams up in a weekend. I know that does not sound like much but remember we are chiseling the beams by hand.

*We will have some family down in March to help us get a huge push in competing the barn. It will be great to have the help and hopefully we can get the framing completed so all that is left is siding and flooring.

*Our youngest chickens have begun laying eggs! Chris collected the first egg yesterday! I was not expecting that until March so we are slightly ahead of schedule.

*We have some goats that are due to kid in February which is very exciting. Stella and Dottie are both due the last week. Other possible pregnancies include: Ava, Coco, Lilly, Misty and Sadie. So we will be busy with babies this spring and early summer!

*We have begun planning for our vegetable garden. We are thinking of making it slightly larger this year. We are still enjoying the many foods that we preserved from last summer!

*We have also began talking about the future orchard/fruit area that we would like to have. The things that we would like to include so far are fruit trees, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and grapes. It would be nice to get some of those now, but in time everything will fall into place.

The weather has been cold and either rainy or snowing. The ground here is completely mud which will be GREAT for planting grass after the last frost. No more mud pit for me!

Well I guess that is all for this update! Check back soon!