Friday, January 28, 2011

End of Winter is near

Well there have been lots of things in the past few weeks that have been going on around the farm. I think it is time to take a moment and update everyone!

*We have been working on the barn every nice weekend we get. Since we are doing it the old fashioned way if Chris and I work together we are able to get 4 beams up in a weekend. I know that does not sound like much but remember we are chiseling the beams by hand.

*We will have some family down in March to help us get a huge push in competing the barn. It will be great to have the help and hopefully we can get the framing completed so all that is left is siding and flooring.

*Our youngest chickens have begun laying eggs! Chris collected the first egg yesterday! I was not expecting that until March so we are slightly ahead of schedule.

*We have some goats that are due to kid in February which is very exciting. Stella and Dottie are both due the last week. Other possible pregnancies include: Ava, Coco, Lilly, Misty and Sadie. So we will be busy with babies this spring and early summer!

*We have begun planning for our vegetable garden. We are thinking of making it slightly larger this year. We are still enjoying the many foods that we preserved from last summer!

*We have also began talking about the future orchard/fruit area that we would like to have. The things that we would like to include so far are fruit trees, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and grapes. It would be nice to get some of those now, but in time everything will fall into place.

The weather has been cold and either rainy or snowing. The ground here is completely mud which will be GREAT for planting grass after the last frost. No more mud pit for me!

Well I guess that is all for this update! Check back soon!

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