Sunday, December 30, 2012

Barn Building Continues

Well, Chris informed me that I need to keep up with the blog on a more regular basis, so I am going to do my best to spend time updating the blog, facebook, website, etc!

This weekend Chris and I spent time cleaning out chicken coops and working on the barn. Chris' dad came over on Sunday to help with some more barn progress. The barn is coming along, and it is hard to not get excited about the girls being able to move into it!

The back wall is almost completely sheathed, the second stories windows are sheathed. Here are some pictures of our progress. 

Three views of the back side of the barn. 

Windows at the very top

Second story hay storage

And Deva was supervising the guys the whole time, she is pleased with the craftsmanship and was cracking the whip to get the guys moving!

Here's to hoping the winter stays mild so we spend the cooler days working the barn. (I prefer this time of year for barn work then the summer, too hot and too much gardening/canning to be done)

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday Dad!

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