Monday, April 1, 2013

And More Babies!

As we were getting ready to put the animals up for the night so we could settle in to enjoy our Easter meal I noticed Sadie laying down with her legs all locked behind the chicken coop. Chris secured our meal so the dogs did not eat it and came out with towels. I sat with Sadie, in the rain, while Chris put up all the animals.

Sadie is a seasoned mom and within 20 minutes she had two beautiful girls on the ground and cleaned. I was amazed to watch her with her babies, especially with all the trouble we have been having with Lela not wanting to be with hers ... yet! The girls were having a hard time getting the milk to flow from mom so Sadie reached her neck around and started massaging her own udder with her mouth to aid in the dropping of the milk.

I will work to get pictures of Sadie's babies as well as Lela's!

Lela is bonding well with her babies. One of the boys is able to nurse from her unaided. The other boy (Duke) and the girl (April) are not yet at that point so I am assisting with bottle feeding until mom takes that over. The family was able to all sleep together for the first time last night and is spending the day walking around my basement so I can supervise and continue feeding.

Hope you all have a Happy April First!

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