Thursday, April 24, 2014

Stella's Baby

I was up all night the other night because I heard Stella on the baby monitor. She was talking away. I kept expecting her to go into full-fledged labor any time so it was a long sleepless night on the couch. She never progressed any. In the morning she was still doing the same, I was hoping she would do alright during the day. She did better then expected and when I got home I found a handsome new baby boy. Stella did a great job on her own. 

This little guy is very handsome, he has great markings and waddles, just like his mom and grandmom!

to top it off! He has a mustache! 

Also, just as an updated on Coco, she is doing well! Her babies are doing well! There is a possibility that we will be retaining the chocolate doe. Coco is getting older and since she is one of our special goats, I would really love to keep her mini me! 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Coco's Easter babies!

I came home from work yesterday and these cute bouncing babies were waiting for me! We have been on baby watch all week and have been anxiously listening to the baby monitor through the night. We were happy to see that mom and the babies made it through the delivery okay! This is Coco's fifth set of kids and she certainly is an expert! By the time I got there, the babies were clean, dry, fed and shakily walking around. So, now we need some names! 

This is the boy, he looks JUST like his daddy Reginald (Reggie)!
This is the girl, she looks JUST like Coco!

Please feel free to send over your name suggestions!

Next up to kid is Stella, her current due date is April 24! We will be anxiously listening to the baby monitor again soon!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spring Has Sprung

The snow and ice have ceased for this year and spring has moved in! The hundreds of daffodils are in bloom, the ground is covered in this beautiful purple flower and the red buds are showing their appreciation for the sun. Spring has certainly sprung! With the beautiful weather and budding plants also comes babies on the farm. 

While Chris and I were on vacation the first weekend in April, my mom was watching the farm and when we came home we had a brood of 7 (out of 8, not bad!) chicks hatch from coop 3. There are 2 yellows, 4 blacks and 1 turken in that batch. This group of peeps also has, two hens over it. They did not incubate together, one of the hens sat on these babies ever so carefully, when they hatched the second hen must of had that motherly feeling and decided to help her out. Not a bad idea, since there are 7 of them and they all seem to go in different directions!

my mom holding the turken peep

This weekend we also had the eggs in coop 2 start hatching. We started with six eggs, but are down to five. So far one BIG black turken/cochin cross has hatched and we are anxiously awaiting the other 4 eggs to come and join us. I will be candling them tonight if they do not pip by this evening. 

the black turken/cochin peep

The goats are finding the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, so they have taken to jumping through and over to see what trouble they can cause while out. Here is Sable, being a bad little goat!

Not everyone is causing trouble this spring! Here Daisy May just needed a nice relaxing belly rub from dad as she laid down and enjoyed the beautiful spring sunshine!

With nicer weather means we are out more working on projects. We are still working on the new girls barn, progress has been made and there were over 300 bales of hay stored there this winter, pictures to come soon! Here is a smaller project that we did, we got a new goat hay feeder since the wooden one in the picture has finally rotted out! This new metal bunk feeder is great, much less waste (at the moment). I also constructed a PVC hay shelter to keep the hay (and goats) dry. Don't worry, the posts are set with 5' rebar in hopes that it will not blow away!

Naturally it is kidding time again, in case you forgot, last Easter weekend we had a CRAZY amount of goat births! Currently we are expecting two! Coco first and then Stella. Coco is not due until April 21, but is already showing signs of being ready now, and with her, typically giving birth a week early, the timing would be perfect! I will keep you posted!

Have a great spring day!